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The log data is in .mcap format, the standard logging format for ROS 2. MCAP is an open source container file format for multimodal log data. It supports multiple channels of timestamped pre-serialized data, and is ideal for use in pub/sub or robotics applications.

Getting started

Download the mcap (bag) files

Download every MCAP as a ZIP

Download a sample MCAP

You can instanly view the data in Foxglove Studio (Free, online or on ay platform).

Python scripts for MCAP

One of the easiest way to getting started with the dataset is to look at the examples:

MCAP scripts examples

Further MCAP in python notebook

Important note

MCAP is ROS 2 agnostic, and can be used in any Python project, but rosbag2-api does rely on ROS2. Use mcap-ros2-support which is not dependent on ROS 2.

Python MCAP ROS2 support package (mcap-ros2-support) provides ROS2 support for the Python MCAP file format reader. It has no dependencies on ROS2 itself or a ROS 2 environment, and can be used in any Python project.

On windows / linux / mac install the following packages:

pip install mcap mcap-ros2-support matplotlib numpy pandas scipy

Dataset description

Route Name Description Terrain
nissan_zala_90_country_road_1 road section flat - no hills
nissan_zala_90_country_road_2 longer stretches of highway, slight bends, some roundabouts hilly road
nissan_zala_50_sagod slightly winding roads with some sharper turns 1 slight uphill
nissan_zala_50_zeg_1 mostly going in one direction, interrupted by roundabouts, continuous going flat - no hills
nissan_zala_50_zeg_2 roundabouts, bends, stationary situations (due to traffic) flat - no hills
nissan_zala_50_zeg_3 square bends with parking flat - no hills
nissan_zala_50_zeg_4 winding flat - no hills
nissan_zala_90_mixed dynamic, city and country road mostly flat, last about 10m hilly

Usage in Ubuntu / Windows WSL

Install mcap:

pip install mcap

Download dataset, e.g. to /mnt/c/bag/jkkds02/:

cd /mnt/c/bag/jkkds02/
wget -O

Make sure you have unzip (sudo apt-get install unzip) and:


Some images